Flawless Fresh
The Vision
That's really it. We want you to make time for yourself, share your goals, and let us take care of the rest.

The Experience
Everyone values their time. That's why we've designed a new treatment to maximize results and minimize timing. You can call it the the mini or the lunch time pick-me-up but we like to call it the Flawless Fresh Express. It's an experience that'll leave you feeling flawless.
First we introduce you to your team of flawless professionals. We'll get to know you and your skincare goals, then set you up with a path to get there as efficiently as possible while still delivering a knock-your-socks-off experience. Every time you come to see us we'll take you one step closer toward that goal.
The Journey
It all starts with a pre-cleanse. You'll love it. It gets you ready for the cleanse-cleanse, which is where we use our super secret insider knowledge about skincare to decide which product is going to treat you best.
Then we take it off and hit you with a post-cleanse mask, which really does look green like you're thinking. Or white, blue, orange; we've got all sorts of colors to paint on you! And they do all sorts of different things, like hydrating and exfoliating and brightening and smoothing, so we know we'll have one you love.
While you're masking under the steam we'll use another mask for your eyes. And there's a third for your lips. Maybe you think we're kidding about three masks, but once we take it off you'll see what all the fuss is about. After we hydrate and protect your skin with a serum and moisturizer, of course. We call that the post-post-cleanse.
The best part? We've got a fancy face-zapper that we use on particularly troublesome spots. Zap! Gone.
To be fair, the best part is subjective. There's also a face massage, the ambiance, and the results themselves.
Once you're off the table you'll understand why we call it Flawless Fresh.